The liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; it is also the font from which all power flows.   The mission and purpose of the ministries associated with Spirituality and Worship are the development of the liturgical and devotional celebrations that will call the entire community to full, conscious, and active participation.

Liturgy has many roles open to both men and women:

Planning: Plan program for liturgical season (Meet 4 to 6 times per year)

Altar Servers:  Assist Pastor and Deacon during Mass (Need every Sunday on a rotational basis)

Eucharistic Ministers: Assist with the Communion (Rotational schedule and an annual renewal meeting)

Lectors:  Assist with the readings (Rotational schedule and an annual renewal meeting)

Greeters: Greet parishioners 30 minutes before Mass (Rotational schedule)

Ushers: Assist with collection of offerings, handing out bulletins (as needed during Mass)

Cantors: lead the congregation in song (Rotational schedule, weekly 1 hour practice during the week)

Choir: singing during the Mass (Weekly practice, sing at Mass and at special Christmas / Easter events)

Please contact Judy Tonk @ 219-938-1373