Building and Grounds is responsible for all maintenance and repair of the school, Lessard Hall, Rectory, and Church buildings.  Approximately once per year we hold a planning meeting to list items where work is needed on parish / school grounds.   Volunteers are needed to help with such things as painting, window washing, grounds repair and other general maintenance projects as needed.

All levels of volunteer service are welcome.   There is always a need for basic clean-up skills as well as a need for those gifted with skills in carpentry, plumbing, masonry, flooring and electrical wiring.

HOURS OF COMMITMENT:  (Varies depending on task)

Monthly clean up days will be announced in advance of a service day via our Sunday Bulletin insert (see Media) and Facebook.

Individuals with specific skills wanting to volunter for a designated project can set their own hours.

If interested, please contact Jim Wiseman: